It's snow in October and TQP #4 is up! Yes, it has been snowing in my area, well sorta. The falling snow is what I call "wet snow". It's a little too warm for the snow to stick, however, you can definitely see the snow flakes.
I got a little knitting in this week. I am still working on the scarf for my daughter. I must admit, this is the hardest fiber I have yet to work with. I thought mohair was difficult, but this stuff is just "awkward". I do love the look. Here is a pic of my progress.
Episode #4 is a short podcast. I didn't do much quilting this week. Work has been getting in the way. I have been getting into bed around 7:30pm. Early you say? Yes, it is a little early, but I have been very tired.
I babble a bit about my IPhone. I have lost service multiple times. The phone displays "sim failure". Let me just say, after being on the phone an hour and a half, I did not get anything resolved using Sprint. The bottom line, I had to take my phone to a "Apple Store". I hope the problem has been corrected, if not, I will be making another 28 mile trip back to the Apple Store to get a new phone.
Online quilt magazine discovery. I posted in the forum over in Big Tent also. It has tutorials, articles and a couple of BOM patterns. The download is free, give it a look.
I am working on my "Stretched Stars" quilt top. It's a lot of piecing going on. I am have a time putting these HSTs together. Let's just say, I am not a precision piecer. It is a little harder fudging HSTs. So, seamed the ripper has been prevalent in getting this top together. I am putting out a PLEA for any assistance or recommendations on improving my piecing!!! I need help desperately. After getting a close look at the block, I could have constructed the blocks in a much easier fashion. As they say, hind sight is 20/20. Here's my progress:
Quiltsmart Mondo Bag beginning. The is the pattern and jelly roll that I will be using to make my bag. If you look close, you can see the printed fusible interfacing.
The wall hanging destined for binding. The picture is not very "sharp". I never said I was a photographer, however, you get an idea of what it looks like.
Until next time..........